BAIP 2010 - Call for Paper
International Conference on Recent Trends in Information Processing & Computing (IPC)
* Software and Web Engineering
* Computer Science
* Computer Appllication
* Electronics Commerce
* Electronics Marketing
* E-Cash
* System Administration
* Computer Management
* Computational Mathematics
* Information Processing
* Information Technology
* Knowledge Management
* Data Communications
* Data Compression
* Data Encryption
* Data Mining
* Databases
* Digital Signal Processing
* Distributed Systems
* Event Driven Programming
* Expert Systems
* High Performance Computing
* Image Processing
* Watermarking
* Information Retrieval
* Information Systems
* Mobile Computing
* Multimedia Applications
* Natural Language Processing
* Parallel and Distributed Computing
* Performance Evaluation
* Programming Languages
* Reconfigurable Computing Systems
* Security & Cryptography
* Software Engineering & CASE
* Theoretical Computer Science
* Applications of Computer Science and Engineering
International Conference on Recent Trends in Business Administration & Management (BAM)
* Program management
* Project management
* Process management
* Accounting management
* Agile management
* Association management
* Capability Management
* Conflict management
* Commercial operations management
* Communication management
* Constraint management
* Cost management
* Crisis management
* Critical management studies
* Customer relationship management
* Disaster management
* Distributed management
* Educational management
* Environmental management
* Financial management
* Forecasting
* Human resources management
* Hospital management
* Information technology management
* Innovation management
* Interim management
* Inventory management
* Land management
* Leadership management
* Marketing management
* Materials management
* Office management
* Operations management
* Organization development
* Perception management
* Practice management
* Performance management
* Product management
* Public administration
* Public management
* Quality management
* Records management
* Relationship management
* Research management
* Resource management
* Risk management
* Rural management
* Skills management
* Social entrepreneurship
* Spend management
* Spiritual management
* Strategic management
* Stress management
* Supply chain management
* Systems management
* Talent management
* Time management
* Technological Management
* Visual management
Prospective authors are invited to submit full (and original research) papers (which is NOT submitted/published/under consideration anywhere in other conferences/journal) in electronic (PDF only) format through the easy chair conferences management system website or via email baip.paper AT