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International Conference on Recent Trends in
Business Administration and Information Processing


Call For Papers Paper Submission Important Dates Registration Committees Venue
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BAIP 2010 - Call for Paper

BAIP 2010, is an international conference (has two tracks) where theory, practices, and applications of oftware and Web Engineering, Computer Science, Computer Appllication, Management, Business Administration, Finance, Electronics Commerce, Electronics Marketing, E-Cash, Information Processing, Information Technology Knowledge Management and related topics are presented and discussed. Original contributions are solicited on topics covered under broad areas such as (but not limited to):


International Conference on Recent Trends in Information Processing & Computing (IPC)

* Software and Web Engineering
* Computer Science
* Computer Appllication
* Electronics Commerce
* Electronics Marketing
* E-Cash
* System Administration
* Computer Management
* Computational Mathematics
* Information Processing
* Information Technology
* Knowledge Management
* Data Communications
* Data Compression
* Data Encryption
* Data Mining
* Databases
* Digital Signal Processing
* Distributed Systems
* Event Driven Programming
* Expert Systems
* High Performance Computing
* Image Processing
* Watermarking
* Information Retrieval
* Information Systems
* Mobile Computing
* Multimedia Applications
* Natural Language Processing
* Parallel and Distributed Computing
* Performance Evaluation
* Programming Languages
* Reconfigurable Computing Systems
* Security & Cryptography
* Software Engineering & CASE
* Theoretical Computer Science
* Applications of Computer Science and Engineering

International Conference on Recent Trends in Business Administration & Management (BAM)

* Program management
* Project management
* Process management
* Accounting management
* Agile management
* Association management
* Capability Management
* Conflict management
* Commercial operations management
* Communication management
* Constraint management
* Cost management
* Crisis management
* Critical management studies
* Customer relationship management
* Disaster management
* Distributed management
* Educational management
* Environmental management
* Financial management
* Forecasting
* Human resources management
* Hospital management
* Information technology management
* Innovation management
* Interim management
* Inventory management
* Land management
* Leadership management
* Marketing management
* Materials management
* Office management
* Operations management
* Organization development
* Perception management
* Practice management
* Performance management
* Product management
* Public administration
* Public management
* Quality management
* Records management
* Relationship management
* Research management
* Resource management
* Risk management
* Rural management
* Skills management
* Social entrepreneurship
* Spend management
* Spiritual management
* Strategic management
* Stress management
* Supply chain management
* Systems management
* Talent management
* Time management
* Technological Management
* Visual management

Prospective authors are invited to submit full (and original research) papers (which is NOT submitted/published/under consideration anywhere in other conferences/journal) in electronic (PDF only) format through the easy chair conferences management system website or via email baip.paper AT